Investors & Partners

Investor & Partner Information

At Global Earnest, we are open to genuine cooperation opportunities. Below you can find some general information and answered questions about investing with us.

Our Location

With an office in Sydney Australia, our headquarter is located in Hong Kong SAR, one of the financial centre just like New York and London, with easy reach to both Asian and western countries.

Our Principle

Build things to last, bring long-term benefits to all stakeholders, and make peace of mind to all partners, investors, employees and customers. Not to seek quick and short-term profits but to maintain sustainability.

Our Commitment

To be a fair organisation, treat fairly to all people who engage and interact with us. We listen, deliver and care for all who trusted in us. Conduct business with uncompromising integrity and professionalism.

Our Partners

Partnering with the best helps us create boundless impacts. We work closely with strategic partners to extend and enhance opportunities for the whole internal and external community.

Partnering with Global Earnest

Direct Investments

When you like our ideas and our corporate principle, and trust in us, you may consider investing in us too.  We are open to discuss for investments and other forms of support.

Project Cooperation

When you have an idea, a startup project, or interest in one of our projects, and believe we could work together to make an impact on the bright side.

Acquisition & Merging

When your project shares our goal to make the world a better and sustainable place, and you are willing to turn it into a Global Earnest brand and expand to the next level.

Top Questions & Answers

What business sectors Global Earnest interested in?

Global Earnest is a diversified corporation and is a responsible organisation too. We are virtually interested in any legit and genuine projects and businesses, in any business sector, that are sustainable and have no harm to our environment and community.

Will Global Earnest go public?

The short answer is No. It is our preference to stay private for as long as we can. Going public, for example, may face constant pressure to increase earnings, which doesn’t match the principle of the corporation.

I have an idea, can I reach out?

Definitely Yes. Please get in touch with us via the contact form, or send us an email at when you are ready. All project related contents will be protected by an NDS signed by both parties.

More questions? Get in touch with us.

Message from our founders

“Always be fair and reasonable, always inspire and be innovative,  more belief and trust, this is how we help make the world a better and sustainable place to live. And this is what we are doing at Global Earnest.”

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